Hello, and welcome to thecomic.htm! This section of the site is completely devoted to the telling you exactly what the comic strip, "Simply Moronic". So ho ho, away we go...
Some of you may not know this (as I'm sure that that some of you will incompass all those who don't know me personally), this is actually the second version of the comic strip. The first version of the strip ran from Jan. 2 to Jan. 15. Sure, some might look at that as a not so successful run, lasting only two weeks. BUT, I disagree. During that time, I realized that doing a daily comic ain't so easy. Not only did a walk away from that first attempt with a new found respect for what cartoonists must go through to put their vision out there, but I also came away knowing that if I want to create a decent strip ... I've got to think through what it is I want to say, and make the punchlines a lot clearer.
From the first attempt, the title (original called, "Under Fire") has remained, Simply Moronic, and I plan on keeping it that way. I almost have to, now that I've purchased the domain name. But the name is pretty much the only thing that's stayed the same from the first run. The characters; Jet, Bob, Chinstrap (CS), etc... are all different. While the original characters Torch and Crunch, will most likely make cameo appearances for certain storylines, the lineup is brand spankin' new.
Along with the new cast, a new approach to creating the strip has also been taken. While most cartoonists present their work in a four panel, horizantel, I've chosen to go with a four panel vertical, ala Scott Kurtz's PvPOnline. I just found it a quicker, and easier way of putting the strip together. Plus, with the design layout I threw together, it allows me to frame that day's strip nicely. Giving it a better feeling of importance.
In addition to the new format, I've also decided to take a new approach at telling the story. For the few who might remember the first version, the strip was very abbrasive and in your face. Looking back, although I thought it was funny, it alienated some readers with the unnecessary vulgarity I chose to use. So learning from that, all the vulgarity I throw into this puppy will definitely be NECESSARY! BOOYAA!
But seriously, I'm going to attempt to take a more mature approach to telling the jokes. While some might see that as a cop out, fug you. I'm all about possibly selling out with this thing, so take your opinion and stuff it. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
Kidding. Honestly, a lot of the stuff you'll see happening in the strip will probably be looked down upon by other cartoonists, and other members of the PC nation. I don't believe in pleasing everybody, because that's simply not possible. Some people will dig the cartoon, and others will hate it (and myself) with a passion. But please keep in mind, that this is all done in good fun.
Okay, I think that's it. This is only a rough draft of what I plan to say here, basically just trying to tie the site together here so... for those of you who read this, I didn't proof it, so don't laugh at me if I misspell a bunch o' words. With that said, if you do happen to read this, and you still have questions about the strip, drop me a line at jk@slackersnation.com and I'll get back to you ASAP. Especially since the amount of mail I get is nil.
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