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09/22: All right, so things ain't moving as fast as I'd figured they would. I don't understand those damned Keenspace scripts for shit, so I'm going to be a bit longer.

While the strip has yet to launch, I'd like to let you know I have the first week of strips penciled, and only have two left to ink before I letter'm. I'm generating a couple hits here and there, so I figured instead of potentially spoiling that deal, I'd throw up some past artwork of mine in the place of the strip - for now.

The pic you see to the left is a mock Movie poster I put together for one of my MANY unfinished scripts. "Fanboys" is probably my favorite of them all. The character is from Joe Mad's "Battle Chasers", named Cranius (my favorite in the book). A good friend of mine, and an artwork machine, Rod Owen, colored that pic for me...I went back and added all of the nifty movie poster shtuff, and there it was.

Hope you dig it. Who knows, maybe one day I'll finish the script, sell it, and see it in a theater someday!!

Or not. =0)


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