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This is the top of the page.  Keep scrolling if you want to experience the wonderous awe that is... Simply Moronic... BOOYAA!
09/20: Yo. I just got the email notifyin' me that my Keenspace account has been set up, so this will probably be the last news update I write before the switch over.

Although this current destination (which most people don't know exist right now) is fading fast, and the future of the strip is looking to be simplymoronic.keenspace.com, I've been in contact with the guy who runs the server I host my sites on, and pretty soon I'll be moving my currently parked domain "simplymoronic.com" out of the parking lot and into action. Groovy eh?

As a few of you might have noticed, there's a little poll on the left hand side of the site, asking the question, "What do you think of the site?" 5 votes thus far, not too shabby (one of them is mine, just so ya know)... but one shmoe voted for the option "Get this CRAPOLA off my screen!" Wassup wit dat? Hehe, guess my superior tech skillz just don't fly with some. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I rule.

That's it for now. Launching the strip next monday looks hopefull! I'm still working out some of the characters...mostly just their looks. Other than that though, nothing much else to tell. So, I'll simply shut up now...

09/18: Whelp, another weekend over with, and 8 new World Records set in Sydney... I feel good things are uh comin' in the week that follows!

As for comic news: The site is nearly complete. I'll most likely be waiting until I have a decent amount (prolly a weeks worth) of strips before putting the finishing touchs on the yet to be uploaded archives. I've just recently joined Keenspace, the sister webcomic network of Keenspot - the place I'd like to have this comic positioned at within the next half year. As a result from my joining Keenspace I've been told that they offer html scripts that allow for easier site management (the main reason I'm joining Keenspace to begin with). Hopefully within the next two weeks I'll have those scripts! Can't wait.

Now that the website is 90% completed, I'm going to be busting my rump on putting together a good string of strips, in hopes of having enough completed for a launch next Monday, September 25th. OR, I can take the final two weeks of Sept. and crank out a ton of strips, and launch first thing in October. I have yet to decide, but I'll know halfway in the week what I'm going to do.

I've been jumping into a well known IRC chat room many of the online cartoonists frequent. I've chatted it up with a couple, but have pretty much stayed quiet, just seeing what each is like. I'm not going to be plugging the site until I have a few strips under my belt.

Whelp, the Olympic coverage is back on now, pulling on my USA jumpsuit! LET'S GO UNITED STATES! WHOOO!!

09/15: Still nobody reading this, as I know that the majority of the 20 hits this page has garnered are all mine, after reloading the page several times to see the updated versions of the damned html script I've been writing nonstop for the past several days. All pages (save the strip archives) are up and linked. Not all of the pages are finished mind you, they just have a working link leading you to a page which reads, "UNDER CONSTRUCTION". Nifty, no?

And, although nobody is reading this, I have gone out of my way to put together an online store via Cafe Press. Right now all that is available is a mousepad, and it's just the image I've got up at the top of this page on it. But hey, there are worse things you can waste $13.99 on, aren't there? Besides, you could say you jumped on the Simply Moronic wave way back when it first started, thus making you a trend setter! Think about it.

That's it for now. Going to start redesigning the site to fit the above link menu over to the other side of the page where it should have gone in the first place. So if you come here, and things are a bit jumbled, forgive me...I'm already redoing shit.

If you've got a comment you wanna lay on me, I don't have my email addy linked anywhere on the main page, so you can either head to "thecomic" or "creator" sections to grab it, or leave a message in the forum. I'd like to see that thing start getting to some use, despite the fact that I just put it up today, and again...nobody is reading this.


09/14: The design for the front page is done. And while I rack my brain trying to think up a groovy way to tie this layout into the rest of the site, I can't help but resort back to that plea in yesterday's update. Y'know, the one pleading for someone to put a bullet in my head? Well, while I don't want to die, sometimes it sure seems a hell of a lot easier.

I know nobody outside of maybe Dave, Rob, Fader, or Chan (OR ESPECIALLY JEREMY RODDEN, who is THE MAN!) would be reading this, I still feel the need to drop a little news update regardless. To help fill out the remainder of the front page I guess. I don't know if you've noticed, but I've made it so that the page basically frames the strip, which I dig. Gives it a feeling of importance.


09/13: Well, the updates are starting, and I'm digging how the site is coming along so far. Right now it's just a front page, but hopefully within the next few days, I'll have the rest of the site up.

Yeah right, like I'll ever finish this damn site. I suck ... please, someone put a bullet in my head!

All Original Content is Copyrighted ©2000 J.K. Radtke
All Rights Reserved, yo.